Well, it's not looking likely that I'll finish any music this year either, which is certainly a shame if you happen to be one of the 0 people who care. I have, however, retroactively submitted some tracks back into early 2009, so if you'd like to take a look at my updated Audio list, I'm sure the added bulk to the brighter years makes my decline into inactivity seem even more tragic.
On the less pseudo-depressive hand, this development signifies the first time so far that I've actually been impressed by the site redesign. Huge, irritatingly shiny interface elements notwithstanding, the standardised "Project" page for all submissions really makes the system more comprehensive and useful (how long I've waited for multiple audio credits), and, I'm sure, more appealing to professional content-producers, pretending for a second that any decent producer would step afoot in a site as juvenile and spam-infested as this.
I'm only really making this post to put something new on my page, considering everything I wrote here before my 2-year-ish absence now looks embarrassingly pathetic. I even made a new account for myself in case I want to start afresh someday, but by the time that day comes, I'll probably be over Newgrounds altogether.
For now, I take my leave once again.
Well, good luck.