Things have happened since the last post. Many boring things, that to go into any detail with would cause your face to explode and your brain to leak out over your keyboard. Y'know, that idea kind of appeals to me. =P
Firstly, no thanks to Google, I found my first ever submission to Newgrounds, which I made when I was a wee little lad of eleven. The eulogy can be found here.
Just so you know, it's totally not worth watching. I might upload it to SpamTheWeb or something for the lulz, but not now because I'm lazy and my internet is slow.
I am working on some new music, as well as Flash and art, which you can expect to be released some time next millennium. The music, however, should be finished soon, but as with EVERYTHING I try to create, I constantly run into obstacles slowing me down, namely not having the skills to make exactly what I want. D= I was working on another collaboration with HNI up until I was distracted by another solo project that I'm also trying to complete... Ugh.
If your face hasn't exploded yet, then I do congratulate you. You will be rewarded when I can be bothered. In the meantime, you can look at this new logo thing I made recently. Because I care.
True, it is VERY HARD to finish a song without making another one in between.
Great logo.
A most difficult part of the