Oh yes, happy new year everyone!
I stayed up 'till 1:00 last night at a new years party, so I'm fairly tired right now, but it was awesome.
Anyway, this year I plan to get a lot more heavily into ActionScript, and move on to 3.0 at some point soon. I also intend to make some flash submissions, too, particularly games, though I'm running into a lot of problems. See, I'm the kind of person who often has a very good idea of what I'd like to make, but hardly any clue how to go about it, as opposed to simply exploring the features of a new program to find out what you can do. It just sounds so boring the other way.
I've been having quite a few music ideas too, but like I said before, I just don't know how I would make them, mainly because, as I have mentioned in previous news posts, I suck at synthesising. My best hope is to try to think of something which uses a lot of the sounds I already know how to make, and just experiment more to add to that library, but at the moment, I'm a lot more interested in coding than anything else.
My current project (which has really stumped me) is supposed to be a Flash recreation of the Cell Stage in Maxis' new game Spore. (Oh God, not another one!) I think I've done pretty well on the movement; it's all smooth and I've got the "camera" moving along with it. My main problem at the moment is getting the food to disappear when you eat it, because if it simply goes transparent, it will still be there, and the little score counter will keep going up and up. I also want the food to bounce off you when you collide with it, rather than just slide under. D=<
So there's an update of what I've been up to recently, expect more music and possibly games in the year to come! (If anybody actually reads this.)
oooh sounds neato, using AS3 or AS2? :o
I'm using AS2 at the moment, though I do intend to move on to AS3 later on. I'm mainly just pissed off that you can't put actions directly onto MovieClips, and that you have to create a separate class, which really annoys me. But once I learn a little bit more about it, I'll probably make the jump. (I've got a couple of books on AS3, too, a little something from Christmas. :D)