I've now got a second-hand A5 Wacom, which means I am now a LOT better at drawing with Flash etc.
Also, I'm thinking of making a Flash cartoon about a guy called SuperJoe (who is totally not based on SuperJer o_O). Hell with that, I'm not thinking, I'm doing. Very slowly. I'm also making more music as well, but I just suck at synthesising so much that most of the ideas I come up with are just too beyond my level. Nevertheless, I'm doing what I used to do, which is just experiment with synths and effects and go along with what I have. I seriously need some tutorials though, on things such as Basses, Pads, Bassy Pads, Saws, Beepy Sounds, and Acids. I'm not being so active on Newgrounds anymore, so I just thought I'd make a news post to keep everybody (if anybody) up to date.
Wuhh... Wall of text!
I didn't do the Windows Hitler logo with the tablet, just so you know, though I did my crappy new avatar with it. The Win Hitwer was done with the square and circle tool in Flash, Blur and Bevel filters with Flash, some colour toning and a lens flare with Photoshop, and a fadey thing at the edge, once again with Flash.
Somehow I've managed to put more effort into a logo for a fictional product than I have for some image to go along with "NuclearDuckie Software". Sad.
And in case you're wondering what SuperJoe looks like, look at the top left corner of the page.